If you happen to have an ATI Mobility card and/or a SONY VAIO and wonder why you get get green stripes when you try to run the Mandriva 2011 live CD or Installation routine, then you are not alone.
Unfortunately Googling doesn’t help much as there is not much information regarding this, even if you do search after many different things. Just by poor accident and by being on my wits’ end, I stumbled over the “Dodgy Vga” post in the Mandriva Users Booard.
Simpy hit “tab” key at the start menu of the CD and add a “nomodeset” at the end of the atttributes line.
When you installed the system successfully you would run into the same issue. To avoid this, add the same “nomodeset” command in the extended settings of the GRUB boot manager (final step of installation!).
Technorati Tags: Mandriva, ATI
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