There are now more details available about Skype Pro.
E.g. what hardware you get cheaper and how the pricing looks:
“Skype Pro – the all-in-one Skype package
Skype Pro is the easiest way of getting the most out of Skype.
This all-in-one package will be launching very soon and you can
get the first five months for just €10 (excl. VAT¹).Enter your email address and we’ll let you know when Skype Pro is available.
Included in Skype Pro:
-Pay nothing per minute to national landlines².
-Free Skype Voicemail.
-€30 discount on SkypeIn numbers.
-Includes €5 Skype Credit as a special introductory offer.Also included:
-Save €30 on a Philips VoIP 841 cordless phone.
-Save €10 on an SMC WiFi phone.
-Plus money off Skype Extras, free avatars, emotions and ringtones.After the first five months, keep all the benefits of Skype Pro for just €2 per month. This recurring fee will be automatically deducted from your Skype balance.
There is no commitment – you can opt-out at any time.¹ €11.50 where VAT applies.
² A connection fee applies to all SkypeOut calls.”
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