Bloggs and it continues

It seems that, after 4 days not having posted anything to my blog, I have today the posting boost.

I have been browsing a bit though the blogs, and most are non-English, so I cannot read and many look to me like promotional pages.

Howerever I stopped for a while and began reading here and there. Also interesting is this blog.

Did you ever notice, that most people use one of the default designs (templates).

That would be not my bottle of tea, I wanted to make it fitting to my homepage (the blog).

What is better than email? real post! But sometimes it sucks (oops!).

you wouldn’t belive how many people do not know the correct way of writing their postal addresses. For this, there are official documents from your country’s postal service in cop with UPU (Universal Postal Union) to find at this link. Also helpful: Numbering Plans & GSM Info!

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gmail spam folder
Originally uploaded by nafcom.

Guys, Do I begin to actually HATE GMAIL! Since over 9 days (!) I have no acess to my spam folder! (As you can see on the screenshot, an error message! “Oops, try again in a few seconds”, etc.


Sure, the GMAIL Team is working heavily since 9 days on my problem! Oh my, if they at least would tell me what’s in there! Because the spam filter of Gmail is not very good, I had very often ordinary and sometimes important email in it! Please FIX IT! Thanks!

I hope it will be soon! Either I go wild!

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Blogger & My Guestbook & The Time On The Net

Ohhhhw, over 3 days no entry, so it’s time to do an entry and write something.

Well, first the big news: I can access the Trash of my GMAIL account again, “cool”! I don’t care about my trash! I want access to the emails in my spam folder!!
So Gmail, please (!) fix that problem

Why do I do a blog? I have no idea! but I don’t think I will receive ever a lot of comments! probably people will find it boring and a waste of time to read my crap, but anyway feel free to leave your comments 🙂
At least I will go on with writing into my blog!

I will write all my mental crap in here, and I will write it in English, so people from all countries can read it 😛

I am happy for Fotolog/Blog comments and Guestbook entries, though!

Oh and after a loooooong while I have found the places I need to change to get it in the style like my homepage is and get a rid of some space on the left side of the blog seperator

LOL, I didn’t do CSS since year 2001, but still I have managed it! I am now totally the MAN 🙂 hahaha, am I not?! Oh I don’t know, but I guess it’s nice, anway!

Originally I had the idea some years ago to do an electronical diary but that never worked out! and I don’t eant to bring in too much of my daily real life, so I guess Nafcom’s Crap Blog is the best solution! =)


I recently had a run on my guestbook, I wonder why?! Did I get famous? hahaha! – No I don’t think I got famous but I want to thank everybody who thought I deserve an entry 🙂 Thank You!

The Time On The Net

Did you ever think it’s a waste of time to do ICQ. Ever thought of that? I had this thought myself a lot, but sometimes I like IM a lot. Like when you speak to a nice person on ICQ for 5 hours and 50 minutes, then you know, the talk was very interesting for both sides. Or trying to support, listen and cheer up people who are totally destroyed on the bottom of their reality, and the feeling to have helped maybe a little bit, is a great feeling, I find.

But sometimes you also come and think,ß what a bad place it is, all such rude people who cannot spell the f-word correctly but try to insult you:

“Fack you!”

Me: “Oh nice, but it’s spelled with an ‘u’!”

How embarrasing!

Oh who cares, most important is, I have some nice contacts. 🙂 for the time I have to do boring stuff on my PC 🙂

Also at the moment, it’s a bit silent in the ICQ Focus Group, so I take the chance to be active in my blog more.

Maybe I will do another entry later this night but for now I close,

bye bye!

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What Brazilians Can Do, I Can, TOO! =)

lamp compressed
Originally uploaded by nafcom.

So as you see, I have signed up for a fotolog, and there are not so nice ones in English, err, at least not that many, but that one is nice Flickr 🙂

So, my fotolog can be found here:

Enjoy the lamp above! KISSES! hahahaha 🙂

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Be welcome, GMail & Brazilians and ICQ

First of all, hi and welcome to my crap blog 🙂

This blog will be about my experiences & my opinions curiosities and it won’t tell names! (It will only listen to names, maybe 😉 ).

Nevernethless, this blog is not really to be taken serious. And also no silly billy crap talk, so something in between =)

GMail – The Email Hype!

Who doesn’t know it? who doesn’t love it, GMail! I am using it since let’s say 3 months as POP3/SMTP with a few more more features than the average email service.

The concept of tidying up my desktop is groovy:

1. Install GMail Drive

2. Move everything you find a waste onto that drive.

3. Feed incoming emails with “M2” (Email client of Opera browser).

4. Then set an Access Point in M2 for files from the GMail Drive

And there you go with the beautiful “don’t sort it yourself, let M2 do it for you” concept for lazy bones like me! hehehe! I love you that. (sounds odd, but that is meant to be!).

Many people also forget that GMail is still beta, yeah B-E-T-Ahhh!

I cannot access to my Spam and Trash folders since 4 days.

I sent an email to GMail support, I received an auto-respond email in return with an error reporting “sheet”. Filled it out, sent it back:


Thanks for your report. We are aware of this problem, and our engineers are working diligently to find a solution.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.


The Gmail Team

I hope that will be fixed soon. So if your emails sent to me land in my spam folder; Sorry folks, I have no access to it. As you can read they work diligently on a solution.

On this place, I want to thank you the GMail Team for replying that fast and replying at all, good support! Now I hope that the problem will be resolved soon O:-)

Fotologs & Brazilians on ICQ

There are 2 kinds of ICQ Users; Brazilians and the rest.

Let’s start with The Rest:

In the White Pages of ICQ (Meeting People Directory), you can select “Show Users with Photos First”.

The search result of the rest shows people with photos and homepage references to XXX/flirt sites.
Brazlians however are clever and heavily use so called Fotologs. So xxx/flirt service spammers have no chance to appear in the result list of the ICQ White Pages searches! Smart Brazil! Instead you see everywhere URLs to fotologs! Yeah!

What is a fotolog? A fotolog is a homepage with a nice inteface only for photos! Yep, photos of parties with your friends, without friends, without you, or your feets.
Then people can reply to each photo like “I like your piercing!” or whatever.

There is also a nice feature in Brazil; On Saturdays dial-up internet access is for free, so fotologs get a high eaccess rate, means they get beautiful slow! and people from Brazil on your contact list celebrate a collective: “Let’s drop off the internet NOW!”.
And… “Bang!”, all your contacts from Brazil appear as offline.

That’s it for today’s post! 🙂

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