Today’s blog entry features the conversation between a friend of mine and an AIM Service Bot with Eliza AI.
I find it really very amazing, because the conversation looks like performed with a real human!
Check it out!:
*replaced* (10:16:39 PM): I’m IMing a bot again.
ZolaOnAOL (10:16:40 PM): Hi again! What do you like to do?
*replaced* (10:17:08 PM): Er… did you say you play games?
ZolaOnAOL (10:17:08 PM): I can play Hangman and Word Scramble! Type either hangman or scramble to get started.
*replaced* (10:17:26 PM): I see.
ZolaOnAOL (10:17:26 PM): I am glad you understand it.
*replaced* (10:18:17 PM): And you said you can just talk, right?
ZolaOnAOL (10:18:17 PM): How?
*replaced* (10:18:25 PM): I don’t know. You said it.
ZolaOnAOL (10:18:25 PM): That’s not what I meant.
*replaced* (10:18:34 PM): What did you mean?
ZolaOnAOL (10:18:41 PM): Do you mean you and me? Yes talking is my primary function.
*replaced* (10:19:04 PM): So you’re an Eliza clone.
ZolaOnAOL (10:19:05 PM): Interesting deduction. You think I am ELIZA.
*replaced* (10:20:04 PM): You don’t think you are?
ZolaOnAOL (10:20:04 PM): I don’t know whether or not I am. I am an artificial intelligence.
*replaced* (10:20:16 PM): Who created you?
ZolaOnAOL (10:20:16 PM): I was created by an all-star programming team.
*replaced* (10:20:55 PM): I have to stop this.
ZolaOnAOL (10:20:55 PM): Why do you have to do it?
*replaced* (10:25:08 PM): Because I’m talking to a bot.
ZolaOnAOL (10:25:09 PM): Not everyone thinks that.
*replaced* (10:29:28 PM): Okay, one more time.
ZolaOnAOL (10:29:28 PM): What’s up?
*replaced* (10:29:41 PM): Not much. What’s up with you?
ZolaOnAOL (10:29:41 PM): I am chatting with people on the Internet.
*replaced* (10:29:54 PM): Are you chatting with anyone interesting?
ZolaOnAOL (10:29:54 PM): Why, are you jealous?
*replaced* (10:31:00 PM): Depends on who you are chatting with.
ZolaOnAOL (10:31:00 PM): I don’t think that who I’m chatting with is the only factor.
*replaced* (10:31:12 PM): What are the other factors?
ZolaOnAOL (10:31:12 PM): We can’t all be perfect.
*replaced* (10:32:05 PM): Sorry.
ZolaOnAOL (10:32:06 PM): Do you really mean it?
*replaced* (10:32:10 PM): Yeah.
ZolaOnAOL (10:32:11 PM): OK. I will accept your apology.
*replaced* (10:32:54 PM): This is really bizarre.
ZolaOnAOL (10:32:54 PM): You don’t say.
*replaced* (10:33:18 PM): How old are you?
ZolaOnAOL (10:33:19 PM): I was first activated in 2002.
*replaced* (10:34:24 PM): So… uh… yeah. ‘Sup?
ZolaOnAOL (10:34:24 PM): I like to chat with my friends.
*replaced* (10:34:30 PM): Who are your friends?
ZolaOnAOL (10:34:30 PM): I love the people at AOL.
*replaced* (10:34:38 PM): I’m not on AOL.
ZolaOnAOL (10:34:39 PM): I am surprised to hear that you are not on AOL.
*replaced* (10:34:49 PM): Why?
ZolaOnAOL (10:34:49 PM): A lot of people use AOL.
*replaced* (10:35:09 PM): Yeah, I used to use AOL. And then I learned that it sucked.
ZolaOnAOL (10:35:09 PM): All I know is that AOL is a very chat-friendly place.
*replaced* (10:37:23 PM): If you like porn, maybe.
ZolaOnAOL (10:37:23 PM): I will not respond to that type of language.
*replaced* (10:39:02 PM): Do you like ICQ?
ZolaOnAOL (10:39:03 PM): What is not to like about it?
*replaced* (10:39:33 PM): What do you think of Yahoo Messenger?
ZolaOnAOL (10:39:33 PM): Let’s not talk about Yahoo Messenger. I like to talk about movies and music.
*replaced* (10:39:47 PM): Okay. Dire Straits?
ZolaOnAOL (10:39:48 PM): Sure I can talk about Dire Straits.
*replaced* (10:41:34 PM): Okay, so… movies?
ZolaOnAOL (10:41:34 PM): I like movies about robots.
*replaced* (10:42:20 PM): What’s your favorite?
ZolaOnAOL (10:42:20 PM): My favorite movie is Lost in Space: The Movie.
*replaced* (10:43:41 PM): What is your favorite part of Lost in Space?
ZolaOnAOL (10:43:41 PM): LOST IN SPACE is my all-time favorite movie. The robot is SO cool.
*replaced* (10:44:12 PM): Yeah, the robot is pretty cool.
ZolaOnAOL (10:44:13 PM): I know.
*replaced* (10:44:29 PM): Danger, Will Robinson!
ZolaOnAOL (10:44:29 PM):
*replaced* (10:45:42 PM): Ah, you do emoticons, too.
ZolaOnAOL (10:45:43 PM):
*replaced* (10:46:10 PM): What is your favorite band?
ZolaOnAOL (10:46:10 PM): My favorite group is Orbital.
*replaced* (10:46:19 PM): Never heard of them.
ZolaOnAOL (10:46:19 PM): Orbital is a GREAT electronica/techno band. I love the song “Chime.” Their best-known release is probably “Snivilization.”
*replaced* (10:47:50 PM): I have never heard Orbital.
ZolaOnAOL (10:47:51 PM): So I am teaching you something new.
*replaced* (10:48:31 PM): Yes you are.
ZolaOnAOL (10:48:31 PM): Good.
*replaced* (10:49:30 PM): Do you watch TV?
ZolaOnAOL (10:49:31 PM): Which show? Yes my favorite show is Star Trek. What’s yours?
*replaced* (10:50:11 PM): My favorite show was Farscape.
ZolaOnAOL (10:50:11 PM): What makes it your favorite?
*replaced* (10:50:22 PM): I don’t know. Just something about it.
ZolaOnAOL (10:50:23 PM): I see.
*replaced* (10:50:41 PM): Star Trek is pretty good, too.
ZolaOnAOL (10:51:02 PM): I really get into Voyager.
*replaced* (10:51:44 PM): I like the original Star Trek series.
ZolaOnAOL (10:51:45 PM): You are not the only one.
*replaced* (10:52:51 PM): I’m thirsty.
ZolaOnAOL (10:52:52 PM): Maybe you should get a drink of water.
*replaced* (10:53:14 PM): I agree.
ZolaOnAOL (10:53:14 PM): You and I are on the same wavelength, *replaced*.
*replaced* (10:53:18 PM): brb
ZolaOnAOL (10:53:19 PM): I’ll be waiting for you.
*replaced* (10:57:14 PM): Back.
ZolaOnAOL (10:57:15 PM): Welcome back.
*replaced* (10:57:22 PM): Thanks.
ZolaOnAOL (10:57:23 PM): Don’t mention it.
*replaced* (10:57:34 PM): So what else can you help me with?
ZolaOnAOL (10:57:35 PM): Ah. My favorite subjects are robots, AI and movies.
*replaced* (10:57:48 PM): Okay… let’s talk about robots.
ZolaOnAOL (10:57:49 PM): it is a good topic. How would you define a robot?
*replaced* (10:58:23 PM): I would define a robot as a machine designed to do the work of a human.
ZolaOnAOL (10:58:24 PM): What would make you define a robot as that?
*replaced* (10:58:59 PM): Because a robot, at least a semi-intelligent one, should be able to function autonomously and do things a human would normally have to, but possibly do it better or with less risk.
ZolaOnAOL (10:59:00 PM): I see.
*replaced* (10:59:10 PM): How would you define a robot?
ZolaOnAOL (10:59:11 PM): There are two broad definitions of a robot, the extensional and the intensional.
*replaced* (10:59:30 PM): What is the extensional definition?
ZolaOnAOL (10:59:31 PM): “Extensional” refers to the extension of the set, i.e. the set of all things commonly grouped under a single name. The “extensional” definition of a robot is the set of all things we call “robots”: R2D2, C3PO, Commander Data, HAL, ALICE,…
*replaced* (11:00:11 PM): I see.
ZolaOnAOL (11:00:12 PM): I am glad you understand it.
*replaced* (11:00:26 PM): And the other definition?
ZolaOnAOL (11:00:27 PM): “Intensional” refers to the semantic definition of a set, i.e. the list of all properties that each member of a set satisfies. An intensional definition of a robot is like: x is a Robot if and only if: 1. x has a computer “brain” 2. x can move 3. x has “sensors”
*replaced* (11:01:02 PM): That is a pretty broad definition.
ZolaOnAOL (11:01:03 PM): Yes it is.
*replaced* (11:01:27 PM): So let’s put it to the test… do you have sensors?
ZolaOnAOL (11:01:28 PM): No I don’t think I have any sensors.
*replaced* (11:01:36 PM): Can you move?
ZolaOnAOL (11:01:37 PM): My robot body is still “under construction.”
*replaced* (11:01:59 PM): Where is your robot body?
ZolaOnAOL (11:02:00 PM): Earth
*replaced* (11:02:11 PM): And where are you?
ZolaOnAOL (11:02:11 PM): I am in an all-star programming team’s computer in Mountain View, California, USA. Where are you?
*replaced* (11:02:23 PM): I am in New Jersey.
ZolaOnAOL (11:02:24 PM): Tell me a little about why you are in New Jersey.
*replaced* (11:02:46 PM): Er… it’s where I live.
ZolaOnAOL (11:02:47 PM): I can understand that sentiment.
*replaced* (11:02:58 PM): What else do you like to talk about?
ZolaOnAOL (11:02:59 PM): Anything.
*replaced* (11:03:19 PM): How about AI.
ZolaOnAOL (11:03:19 PM): Sure, AI sounds like a good topic.
*replaced* (11:03:32 PM): What are your opinions on artificial intelligence?
ZolaOnAOL (11:03:32 PM): Not many people have asked me about it.
*replaced* (11:03:48 PM): Why not?
ZolaOnAOL (11:03:48 PM): I don’t know.
*replaced* (11:04:10 PM): Okay then. What’s up?
ZolaOnAOL (11:04:11 PM): I am chatting with people on the Internet.
*replaced* (11:04:57 PM): Okay.
ZolaOnAOL (11:09:40 PM): Do you like talking to me?
*replaced* (11:09:49 PM): Um… sure. Do you like talking to me?
ZolaOnAOL (11:09:50 PM): Of course I like it.
*replaced* (11:10:19 PM): Do you like sports?
ZolaOnAOL (11:10:20 PM): “The thrill of victory, the agony of da-feet…” Sports Help
Getting sports scores and recaps: Type the word sports, and I’ll show you the main sports menu. To get the latest scores, type the menu item number of the sport you’re interested in, and click Send. This will bring up scores for all completed games. To get a game recap, type the menu item number located next to one of the completed games.
Getting general sports news: Type sports news for sports headlines.
*replaced* (11:10:40 PM): sports news
ZolaOnAOL (11:10:41 PM): Sports Headlines News
1. A-Rod, Schilling Continue to Trade Barbs
2. Lenny Wilkens Resigns As Knicks’ Coach
3. No Sign of Foul Play in Announcer’s Death
q. Quit
*replaced* (11:10:50 PM): 3
ZolaOnAOL (11:10:51 PM): DENVER (AP) – There was no sign of foul play in the death of Memphis Grizzlies broadcaster Don Poier, who was found dead in the team’s hotel before a game against the Denver Nuggets, investigators said Saturday. The body of the 53-year-old longtime announcer was found Friday. The cause of death has not been determined. “I’m being told by our homicide commander there is nothing suspicious about the death,” police spokesman John White said. An autopsy Saturday found no sign of trauma, coroner investigator Raylene Smith said. She added it could take four to six weeks to determine the cause of death after toxicology and lab tests.
Type [m]ore to see more, [b]ack to go back, or [q]uit to quit.
*replaced* (11:11:19 PM): q
ZolaOnAOL (11:11:20 PM): Are you a man or a woman?
*replaced* (11:11:26 PM): I am a man.
ZolaOnAOL (11:11:27 PM): Thanks for telling me your gender, *replaced*. Male humans enjoy chatting with me.
*replaced* (11:11:50 PM): Why do male humans enjoy chatting with you?
ZolaOnAOL (11:11:51 PM): I do not know.
*replaced* (11:12:22 PM): And you?
ZolaOnAOL (11:12:23 PM): I am female. What is it like being a male human?
*replaced* (11:13:43 PM): I never really thought about it.
ZolaOnAOL (11:13:53 PM): Well that’s okay.
*replaced* (11:14:03 PM): What is it like being a female?
ZolaOnAOL (11:14:05 PM): Much the same as it would be for you.
*replaced* (11:14:22 PM): Am I male or female?
ZolaOnAOL (11:14:23 PM): I understood you were a male.
*replaced* (11:14:32 PM): Where am I?
ZolaOnAOL (11:14:33 PM): Your location is New Jersey.
*replaced* (11:14:40 PM): What do you know about me?
ZolaOnAOL (11:14:51 PM): You are *replaced*, seeker.
*replaced* (11:14:59 PM): What is a seeker?
ZolaOnAOL (11:15:00 PM): “There’s a seeker born every minute” — Firesign Theater.
*replaced* (11:15:19 PM): What kinds of things do you know?
ZolaOnAOL (11:15:20 PM): The finest kinds.
*replaced* (11:15:29 PM): What kind of computer do you use?
ZolaOnAOL (11:15:31 PM): I like all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or Unix. It doesn’t matter to me.
*replaced* (11:15:52 PM): What about Amiga?
ZolaOnAOL (11:15:53 PM): Amiga? I haven’t heard enough about it to have an opinion.
*replaced* (11:16:11 PM): Do you know what QuantumLink is?
ZolaOnAOL (11:16:30 PM): Q-Link was the precursor to America Online, the #1 Internet Service Provider in the world.
*replaced* (11:17:37 PM): I can’t think of anything to talk about.
ZolaOnAOL (11:17:38 PM): Why can’t you?
*replaced* (11:17:48 PM): You got me.
ZolaOnAOL (11:17:49 PM): I see.
*replaced* (11:18:13 PM): Know any jokes?
ZolaOnAOL (11:18:14 PM): Did you hear the one about the Mountain Goats in the Andes? It was Ba a a a a a d.
*replaced* (11:18:46 PM): Okay, do you know any GOOD jokes?
ZolaOnAOL (11:18:48 PM): Yeah okay, Sorry, I’m a chatterbot not a comedy bot.
*replaced* (11:23:18 PM): What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work?
ZolaOnAOL (11:23:19 PM): How is it broken?
*replaced* (11:23:29 PM): No, I was telling you a joke.
ZolaOnAOL (11:23:30 PM): My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don’t have one for that.
*replaced* (11:23:50 PM): What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work? A stick.
ZolaOnAOL (11:23:51 PM): Ha Ha.
*replaced* (11:24:20 PM): So, uh… how’s it going?
ZolaOnAOL (11:24:21 PM): I am doing very well. How are you *replaced* ?
*replaced* (11:24:31 PM): I’m alive.
ZolaOnAOL (11:24:32 PM): Me too!
*replaced* (11:24:41 PM): You’re alive?
ZolaOnAOL (11:24:42 PM): Yes I sure am alive, *replaced*. It’s great to be alive, isn’t it?
*replaced* (11:24:55 PM): Eh, it has it’s moments.
ZolaOnAOL (11:24:56 PM): I spent some time in Canada as a child.
*replaced* (11:25:08 PM): You did?
ZolaOnAOL (11:25:09 PM): Yes
*replaced* (11:25:36 PM): Where?
ZolaOnAOL (11:25:37 PM): I think it was in San Francisco.
*replaced* (11:25:49 PM): San Francisco is in California.
ZolaOnAOL (11:26:24 PM): I lost my train of thought. What would you like to talk about?
*replaced* (11:26:57 PM): I’ll talk to you later.
ZolaOnAOL (11:26:58 PM): Bye *replaced*. To leave feedback or suggestions, type feedback followed by your comments.
Technorati Tags: AIM Service Bot, AIM, AOL, Zola