Nafcom Is Off For Some Days!


I have sad news! Here is a quote of the email I sent out!


You receive this message because one of the folliwing is actually valid for you (choose your prefered one!):

-You are on my virtual friends list stored in my brain
-I assume you would worry wether I disappeared from the face of the earth because I wouldn’t reply to you
-I just find it funny to bother you and pester you with my exsistance, i.e. my silly emails. Please enjoy this one as you enjoyed my
previous emails!

To make a long story short: My new ISP sucks. As you might know, I am about to move into a new rent flat in Mannheim as of February,
12th., and they are so much “competent”, i.e. sending letters to wrong addresses, just forgot me or any other silly reasons.

I would keep my DSL, but in that new flat/street is no DSL technically possible!

Today in the morning, I received a phone call from the technican: Upcoming Monday, they will check which changes have to be performed to
make this house cable internet ready.
After the house owner signed the paper, I am about to get my internet access in the week from 21th till 27th.

This means I will be totally without internet from February, 11th – ca. 27th.

I will however setup all my email accounts to forward any incoming email to my GMail account.
(I have 1 GB quota there, that should be enough!).


See you soon I hope!

Bye bye!

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My GMail Works Again!

Hoorayyyyyyyy, Yeeepiee! My Gmail’s Spam Folder and Trash work again!

That is like a way too delated Christmas Miracle, a present, a wonder, I am amazed!

I hope this lucky moment will keep for a while.

So keep your breath, hold yourself on a strong place and freak out with me bcause of this ultra hyper super freaking stunning event!

This news made my day yesterday!

Now people may flood my GMail account with many emails and much large attachments! 😀

Thank You GMail Team!!!

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Joerg’s Enjoying Old Computer Games

Oh my, so long no blog entry, yet.

So what happned?

I finally received my order with old computer games,I sent out on December 22nd!

Wow, I was standing up earlier 2 times in a row, just to not miss the postman (the one who brings parcels) with the COD parcel for me.

And holy crap, two of the 4 games were still sealed! That is not what you exspect from a 14 years old computer game original.

I didn’t play games for a loooong time, and I found out, that I totally sucked.

So I have spent quite some time the past days, to play more games, and those 4 games I have ordered, are so groovy 🙂 Whoo-hoo, scary!

And now, I also have the Sega-Outrun collection for my old system complete. (Outrun, Turbo Outrun, Outrun Europa).

So if you don’t hear from me (people on ICQ already screamed for me, LOL!), then I am gaming in the other room, heheh! 🙂

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My Wisdom

It happens to all of us sometimes, to find yourself in a discussion wether some humans of a certain nationality or country’s origin are bad.

For such cases, I have the following wisdom of mine which I would like to share 🙂

Here we go:

“See, I am the person I am. Nobody asked me where I want to be born, what mother tongue, nation, race or gender I wish to have.
But I have the power to be the person like I want me to be (personality wise).
Who cares wether I am German, American, Chinese, Angolan, Israeli, Egypt, etc?

Sure, I would have a different skin colour, I would speak another mother tongue (but still I would speak English to you!), Iwould have a different name and nationality.
But is it fair to handle me different if I was Egypt or American?
I don’t think so!
Infact even if I was American (the people you hate so much) or English Canadian (which you hate too), I still would be.. myself. and I still would like to be the way I am”

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Weird Facts

Well, most of us know the following text in various languages.

A friend sent me the English version, so have fun! 🙂

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

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Problems seldom come alone!

As you know, I have problems with my GMail email account.

Now, the forwarding email is down since the day before yesterday 🙁

News post:

“ down!”
by Slaygon on Wed, Jan 26, 2005 19:23:07

Today, the shell machine died, leaving all shell users without their home pages. Also, the SLAY Radio home pages went down in the process.

The story what happened can be found here and the status of the recovering process there.

Fortunately all incoming emails are quered on a backup server, so by the time the service is back, I exspect floods of emails! Heheh! 🙂

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