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Haloscan trackback have been added to this blog.
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Holy crap, if you think you have already seen all sorts of weird blogs, then you have missed the blog of Miss MacDonald! 😀
Have fun watching!
Technorati Tags: blogs
It’s incredible, some people like my ugly and boring fotolog indeed. I have got 2 times fave-ized
There are really people checking my blog and fotolog, I am amazed! 🙂
Thank you very much people out there!
I have lost my ICQ User Details!
I just wanted to udpate them a bit and instead of getting them updated, I lost them! 🙁
More details at my ICQ Focus Group thread about it…
Last time, ICQ’s system just confused my age, they fixed that after 3 days. I hope they will fix this problem here, fast aswell!
Technorati Tags: ICQ
I miss my fast internet connection, but I have noticed just today, that
being not on ICQ at the moment (since it would be too expensive!), has one advantage; No more weird people, at least at the moment. I seem to be a magnet for Chinese and Egypts on ICQ 🙁 .
It wasn’t be that bad, if it wouldn’t always be the same schematic;
“Hi! Can we be friends?”
“Can you teach me English?”
Plus Egypts mostly end up this way:
– “What’s your name?”
me: “Joerg”
– “Oh, I love girls!”
me: “Ahem! Joerg is a male name and if you were looking up my ICQ User Details you would have noticed that.
Then those nice questions like:
“Do you speak Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Romanian, French, Portuguese?” And I say NOOOOOOOOOOO, god damn!
I really don’t miss those weird people from ICQ 😛 But I miss my normal nice people and friends. 🙁
(includes real life friends who use ICQ and ex-classmates).
I hope next week, cable internet rockz my PC! Wish me luck!
Anybody who wants to express his sincere condolences about my lost internet connection (read here for more info about that sad event 🙁 ) may please send them to my email address!
Technorati Tags: ICQ
Hey people! I still have my 50 invitations and nobody wanted any? 🙂 Oh I thought it was so wanted by so many people?!
Did my postings about my various intensive troubles with Gmail scare you away? 😀
I hope not! O:-)
Oh come on, let me invite you! O:-)
Technorati Tags: gmail
Today in the morning, I spent 3 hours (no joke!) to connect all devices of my PC plus TV, VCR, stereo (and still 2 computers yet to connect!) and [b]holy crap[/b] I forgot how to connect my stero to my sound card (into which jack!) I have noticed, I have used a different one than in past and the quality is [b]amazingly better![/b] Bite my ass, I did a computer education with CCI graduation and still, I missed that fact, arghhh!
Well, doesn’t matter, the sound quality is amazing now! 😀
Technorati Tags: stupid
As some of you might have noticed; I have a reader counter of my RSS blog newsfeed. And I have at the moment an amazing amount of 5 readers! Thank you very much 🙂
I hope you will enjoy this blog & my newsfeeds! 🙂
Technorati Tags: newsfeed
Hi! After 7 days no entry, I am back on the net, but not on ICQ yet!
Well, I have got my PC running and a temporary dial-up modem connection. Very slow, way too slow! And some people sent me emails with over 500 kb attachments!
I needed over 5 minutes till all my emails were fetched!
Last Monday, 2 technicans from the cable company were here, checking the cable box in the cellar. This house will get a new one, and a new 3-way
receptacle (cable TV, cable radio and cable modem). But I won’t connect my home phone to it, because the cable provider has completely over-expensive phone
So, I sticked with the main (ex-monopoly) phone company, which supports the use of CallByCall providers for cheaper phoning.
The cable company said, I should get internet next week (at least a date when the cable box in the cellar will get replaced with a cable internet enabled
Technorati Tags: modem
Finally, after a long, long, too long time, I have added the posts of the month March to the Categories Overview! I hope people are statisfied!
Furthermore I have updated the list of Udo’s ICQ Focus Group posts! Enjoy!
more to come! 😀
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