Yahoo Buys Flickr, and got a blog!

Well, suprising news, for Flickr & Blogger.

As you can read in this blog entry, Yahoo is going to buy Flicks and Flickr promises this will make all better! Well, let’s hope so!

For Blogger, we can read on Blogger’s Dashboard that they got an own blog! I mean that is like Flickr having an own photoblog (which they don’t yet, but you never know!).

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My Birthday – The Summary

I wanted to give you a short summary f my Birthday.

I have been receiving 23 emails!

Also I received quite some very neat ecards, I would like to share with you, especially the singing frogs are sheer fun! and you can click and then you see them on backstage, great! huahauhauhauahuah! πŸ˜€

I also received 2 paper Birthday cards, i want to thank you all for this, also for Mr. Dew and Melissa for saying Happy Birthday in my blog’s comments. oh and of course the much ICQ ecards, ICQ messages, email Happy Birthdays, was all so GREAT!

So, here are they are! Enjoy!!!

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Originally uploaded by 1of@kind.

This remembers me of something: Does it not also you bother, if some your contacts always are in invisible mode, and only if they want speak to you, they suddenly pop up?
I must admit, in past, I did that for a year myself.
My friends, I have put on “Visible List” .
But since a very long time, I don’t do this anylonger!
Even, more horrible, many began to use the new “ICQ2Go!” flash variant (also called “flICQ“).
Because this one has an Invisible bug which really very much annoys me!
What’s your opinion?

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card and PCI slot

card and PCI slot
Originally uploaded by nafcom.

Well, If I was knowing that this card uses 2 PCI slots because the sound connector is ugly placed, I wouldn’t have bought it! But it refuses to work in my PC anyway, so I had to return it!

Bad luck for me since this was meant to be a buy-something-nice-for-yourself thing for my Birthday.
Well, means I have to stick with my old, now 1 year old, card, which works without crashing my PC or making my SB 16 PCI stopping to work, and no blue screen while installing its drivers πŸ˜›

I was pretty amazed when a driver installation caused a blue screen! WOW!

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Now It Works!

Ok, many people may wonder why I didn’t contribute to my blog regularly, simple: I was busy with installing Windows a second time (read all details about it here).

Now, after I did a second installation, it suddenly works again!!!

Also I have got my router and this works too! 3 computers sharing one internet connection! The WLAN router (but I use cables!) was a present from my ISP because I took a 2048/512 internet connection.

Also some nice ICQ contact made a new banner for me, as you can see on the top, thank you Daniel! πŸ˜€

That’s it for today!

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