Google Earth

Today, a friend of mine has suggested me to actually try out Google Earth. Yet it’s only beta, so means yet you can only search for US cities and countries. but you can manually scroll them and this way view other country’s cities, etc.

The depth, i.e. the details vary a lot from city/country. but for some areas you even see cars on the streets! 😀

Cannot be bad to try it out, but you need a pretty powerful PC and a fast internet connection! (broadband!)

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Free Opera License!

I wanted to post about this long time go but I always forgot to actually do it.

Since quite a while you can get a free Opera license (it’s anyway for free but only with google ad-bar then).

I use Opera in Windows and Linux and the google ad-bar does not disturb me much.
but I anyway hope that some people think I am nice enough to get me one 🙂

You may have noticed that in some screenshots it’s missing. that is becuase I messed up my Opera’s .ini files (by accident!) so much that voice stopped working and the ad-bar disappeared. and the CSS styles for the email displayer were messed up.
I was able to re-cover the CSS styles for the email client but not to fix the voice and the ad-bar. hehe. well, and do not ask me how I did it, because I have NO IDEA!

And yes, I am totally serious!

Download Opera

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Opera 8.02 Build # 766 Goes BitTorrent!

The new Opera 8.02 Build #766 includes now a BitTorrent client. Yet it’s only a TP (i.e. “Technical Preview”) but it’s impressive. I have tried it with downloading Opera itself by BitTorrent and I was impressed, because it was faster than with the other BitTorrent clients I have tried (which only work correctly with routers if you open manually wide port ranges).

I am impressed! For Opera, BitTorrent downloads nearly appear as normal downloads in the “Transfers” tab with the difference, that Opera saves the “.torrent” files in the same location that you have choosen to save your download to.

Well done, Opera! 🙂

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Random Chat Is Back!

Udo – The ICQ Team announced that the by many ICQ users loved Random Chat is back!

I have never used it in past ICQ clients before they once dropped it, but I anyway think it’s great that they listened to the many user requests and screams for its return and so re-implemented it into ICQ 5.

also seen a couple of nice people there (so I have made myself available for Random Chat to try it out).

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Blog News!

Sorry, for not updating the blog for a long while! we had lightening and it destroyd the internet upload channel box in the cellar, so I was offline for 5 days. Then I had boards to post in, and I have received 140 emails and around 10 ICQ offline messages.

Furthermore, since the new Technorati blog search is now added in my sidepannel of the blog, the categories are no longer needed, really.

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