How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Browsing a bit the web, I found this:

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way“. It’s aimed how to ask questions to hackers, but I guess those rules are valid for anybody!

Especially the forum paragraph is rocking. Ala “HELP ME PLEASE!!!” and “Please send answer to my email”.

I would never reply to posts by sending the answer by email. I mean, too much work, I would get mad! πŸ˜€

Have fun reading! Heheh! Always ask questions the smart way! πŸ™‚

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Icky Harry!

I have written earlier about Harry.

Today, let me convince you, that even you didn’t see all the craziness you can buy nowadays for money!

Here we come: Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans

Here’s what they write:

” The games will begin when everyone experiences the wonderment of NEW flavors such as Spaghetti, Soap, and Earthworm, while enjoying other delicious flavors such as Cherry, Blueberry, and Green Apple. Note: Boxes are randomly assorted and may not contain every flavor.

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, the jelly bean preferred by Harry Potter, hold 20 mild and wild flavors. Dip into good flavors like Watermelon, Grape Jelly, Toasted Marshmallow, and more, or discover wild flavors like Earwax, Dirt, Grass, and others…”

“Earwax, Dirt, Grass” – Yummy stuff! πŸ™‚
I always wanted beans that taste like dirt or earwax!

also this sounds wonderful:

“Manufactured in a plant that processes peanuts.”

Anybody out there daring to buy and try? πŸ˜€

Hahah! πŸ™‚

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I have added a new feature as I have seen it at Hailey’s post. It’s 43Places and 43Things

let me quote her a bit about what it is:

“Four cool things about 43Places:

-Like 43Things, it’s based on folksonomy which ensures its powerful simplicity;

-It combines Flickr to provide a visual expression for each place;

-Its creator’s blog runs on textpattern;

Last but not the least. It uses a catchy phrase “where do you want to go?”, similar to Microsoft’s “Where do you want to go today?”. Why do I like it so much? Just see who came up with the slogan.

My comment: it’s a wonderful thing, if only the blogger support would work!
Yep, it doesn’t work!
doesn’t matter if I try to blog an entry I have made in 43places or try to send out a testpost, it simply won’t blog it eventhough it tells me “you have successfully blogged your entry!” πŸ™

I have written an email to them, I hope they are fast and replying!

Furthermore I have added “Places I have been” and “Things I am doing” plus my personal map to my sidepanel. Unfortunately I click on Strasbourg link and the following error message appears!:

“Oops… that didn’t work.

Hit the back button and try again.

If that doesn’t work, email us (robotcoop at gmail dot com) with your username and an explanation of what you were trying to do, and we’ll
get to fixing it right away. Thanks! Any status updates on the site will be reported on the Robot Co-op Blog.”

This thing is brand new and still has flaws and problems which I hope they will fix soon! πŸ™‚

But it’s really a cool thing, I swear! πŸ™‚

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Technorati – Workaround for Opera and Firefox!

I have found a workaround for my Technorati formatting problem for Opera and Firefox browsers; Put the embended Technorati code into an invisible table! Unfortuantely doesn’t work on MSIE, but this browser sucks anyway! πŸ˜›

I hope they can put a < br > tag between “Search this blog” and the search field

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Slowest Support Ever!

I don’t know how much of you have noticed, but in February I added Technorati to my blog.

And then suddenly, they changed the system and it messed up the Technorati placed on my site panel. Due to reasearch on the Technorati WebLog, I found the reason.

Since then, the problem is that under most circumstances, the search box’s button is misplaced heavily!

I have told this to Technorati support and totally confused them! πŸ˜€ plus they are heavily slow.

my email on June, 28ththeir reply on June, 6th:

“Are you still having these problems with your Technorati embed on your blog?


That’s funny, it’s like: “Let’s wait some weeks, maybe the problem fixed itself…” πŸ˜€

So, I wrote back on June, 6ththeir reply on July, 14th:

“Joerg —

I’m not sure I understand the problem. Are you wishing there *was* a break in between “Search
this blog” and the form? Or that there wasn’t?

— Derek”

Ok, I am sorry for my confusion. And they are right, my original issue (that the emended Technorati didn’t display at all sometimes) wasn’t anylonger valid, but for the confusion:

I have written them my blog’s URL, and I seriously hope they have eyes?!

Will they ever get my problem fixed? Will their next reply arrive before August?

Questions over questions! We can only wait (and I should pray a bit).

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How to vote for Nacom’s Crap Blog!

Did you ever wonder how to vote for How to vote for Nacom’s Crap Blog?

Here is how, i.e. 2 places to vote for me for you-

You can reach them either over my sidebar when scrolling down or you visit my bloghub entry and bloghop vote frame instead.

Yet the majority voted positively for this blog, so you – the readers – like it? Great! Thank You! πŸ™‚

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Nafcom is happy though…

…that’s true!

I found this entry at E-Monk’s blog:

Friday, July 15th, 2005
. Nafcom is happy though, he’s leaving Germany for the first time in his life for a short vacation in Sweden.

But that’s not entirely true. I have been abroad before, in Denmark, Austria and France πŸ™‚

Ah and my current mood fits:

Base Mood cheerful
Personal Mood Sweden soon! Yeah! πŸ™‚ Holidays! heheheh πŸ˜›
Mood Changed Jul 9, 2005

But I won’t reveal more details πŸ™‚

UPDATE: He has altered it:

Nafcom is happy though, he’s going abroad by himself for the first time, to visit a friend and have a short vacation in Sweden


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