MS? Google? LET’S GET IT ON!

Source & poll by Derision in my forum 🙂

So let’s quote him:

It’s not Apple, it’s not Open Source… no, this time, Microsoft’s guns are aimed directly at… Google?!

Thursday at Microsoft’s annual Financial Analyst Meeting in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer stepped up his rhetoric against Google and continued to promote Microsoft’s aim to topple the Mountain View, California-based company not only in the search space, but also in Web site advertising dollars for its competing search and Internet services site,

“What do we want? More than anybody else has,” Ballmer said, when asked by an analyst about Microsoft’s goals against Google in these markets. “You might think it’s a funny answer, but if you don’t set the big, bold goal, the big ambition to be number one, you never get to be there.”

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T-COM and the fun of the phone

After a lot of problems with my internet (including that it has been slow at evenings and weekends), the “fun” started with a distribution affiliate of our phone company.

That means they were ringing up my mother telling her that our selected tariff will be no more Call-by-call possible and that the phone will stop working! So, she got forced to switch.

I have searched the internet the day before yesterday, I couldn’t find any sign of this change. So I was calling the number they gave to my mother, I got some guy on the phone that said that all what my mother got told were lies! Yes! They were lying
to get my mother in a “cheaper” tariff!

What would I do without Call-by-call? No longer calls to abroad, no longer cheap phone bills! Imagine that, I would be cut from the phone world! Grr!

So beware what your phone company might tell you! 🙂

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Browse Happy!

Sure we all know this situation. Once in a time there was some intersting site and you damned nowhere bookmarked or saved its URL!

And now I had some de-ja-vu experience, because I retrieved such a homepage! It’s brwosehappy and I found incredibly 1 person who switched to Opera. (The rest all switched to FireFox). This is not fair I feel, Opera deserves more examples than just only one!

But ok, that’s how life is :'(

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Oh No! DHTML Lemmings!

I have been on my long run of searching to find a port of Lemmings for Linux.
Unfortunately I only found Pingus, a Lemmings with penguins. Until I luckily found this blog entry speaking about a DHTML version of Lemmings which is unfortunately down due to law issues. 🙁

However I found a copy somewhere else, i.e. here. It even features tunes and sfx of the game!

So you can say it’s a 100% online port, or at least _very_ close to it! 🙂

Have fun playing! 😎

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