Keep your WinOnCD6 Power Edition up-to-date

After you have got your free WinOnCD 6 PowerEdition you might want to update it.

You will probably need “DirectCD5.3.5.10p.exe” (This file adds additional recorders support for DirectCD.) and “WinOnCD 6 Power / DVD Edition: Servicepack 6.03“.

Then your WinOnCD6 Power Edition is up-to-date! 😎

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Blogosphere News

I have found something interesting on this blog it’s a blogosphere news box, but since it doesn’t to my blog, I won’t add it (tried it, and ended up unsuccessfuly due to my CSS).

Since the “Add this box to your site” link is broken, here is the code you need to add to your blog’s sidebar incase you want to have it:

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WinOnCD6 Power Edition For Free!

Roxio‘s WinOnCD6 Power Edition, the CD burning prg is now available for download for free!

You only have to download it from here and then register with first name, last name, email address at After registration you get the password for the installation sent to your email address. Eventhough the setup routine and first startup is in German, after you have started the prg, selected a project, you can change the language to English in Options. 🙂

Have a happy burning! 🙂

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ICQ for Digital Lifestyle Award!

Somebody posted in the ICQ Focus Group about Digital Lifestyle Awards vote.

Seems the ICQ Team listened to him… Since a while German visitors can sometimes see some German advertisement banners with a link to the Digital Lifestyle Award*5!

So happy voting, German ICQ users!!! 🙂

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ICQ has a new homepage

ICQ got a new homepage. Yet no major changes are done, but I bet they will come soon.
The new ICQ home does officially run properly in MSIE and Firefox. It doesn’t display 100% as insisted in Opera, even not if changing the browser identity.

Now, also the frequently asked questions from the help center are displayed on the main page. Which includes error number and lost password.
Also there you can see the current network status on the top right corner.

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Creepy and be afraid?

I don’t know how many of you ever thought about this, but there are an huge amount of people that use GMail and Skype. Did you ever notice that there is some – probably small – amount of people that will never use either service?
You ask why?

Because according to others GMail is too creppy and Skype is a reason to be afraid.

In my opinion all those fears are pretty much without reasons. It’s like the “Company xyz will hunt down individuals that run a piraced copy of something”. Which never really happened.

I mean, what would happen to GMail and Skype if were doing bad stuff? I tell you: They would be pretty much: DEAD!

This is my opinion. And I am still a happy Skype and GMail user 🙂

I have opened a discussion thread and a poll for this post at forum, here (you need to register for being able to post).

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ICQ Team – And the quest continues!

I have written about “The Traces Of ICQ” earlier.

Now, thanks to my friend Charles who has pointed it out, there is some hidden gallery of the ICQ Team:

Step 1: Click on the < Main > Button
Step 2: Select < Preferences & Security >
Step 3: Go to the < Status Mode > Tab
Step 4: Put the mouse cursor in the middle of the empty space
Step 5: Hold The Ctrl+Shift Keys and while holding them Click on the Left and Right Mouse Buttons together (Left button first)

So have fun with that easter egg! 😀

You can also find a photo of Udo 😉

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