ICQ SMS Survey!

After a lot of complaining from users in the ICQ Focus Group about the support of only very few providers at ICQ SMS Service. Eventhough the ICQ Team said it will improve, it unfortunately it did not! 🙁

Now the ICQ Team started a survey about ICQ SMS includinng wether the users use it or not, and why not if not, and this includes also options to tick “networks not supported”, etc.

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Ranks To The Forum!

I have added ranks to my blog

So, feel free to register and post!

(You can also post without registering but then you have no ranks!)

The ranks are:

Posts / Rank
– / Site Admin
– / Mod of da crap
0 / new to the crap
20 / Quantity Crapper
50 / Quality Crapper
100 / Star Crapper
1000 / Crapper HERO!

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Skype Blogs & A very interesting Skype user!

I have noticed that Blog has got a Skype. eh… other way round, Skype has got their own blog! 🙂

It’s very interesting, especially this blog entry about “…the Internet-enabled Amazon adventurer Duane DeFreitas?”! A great and very interesting and entertaining one! Thumbs up for that! 🙂

Also great is the blog called SkypeJournal which writes about Skype and its news and happenings right since the beginning of Skype! It’s very fun to read the experiences and how all started! 🙂

Enjoy! 🙂

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Star Wars III – Weird Subtitles!

How does English translated into Chinese and back into English sound?

No idea? Oh, then I have two blogs for you to check out, including subtitles of the fun! Look here and here. My fave scene is the one commented with “I didn’t even know they had telephones in Star Wars!” 😀

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Who cares about security?…

One thing for sure; Fujitsu Siemens doesn’t!

I have sent a support inquiry. Since neither Opera, nor Netscape/Firefox allowed me to see the status of it after endering costumer id and workorder number, I have decided to try out MSIE and this is fun!

Let me show you:


1) Fujitsu-Simens can’t spell (“inactiv”, an ‘e‘ is missing).

2) It’s the first homepage I have ever seen that needs the browser to be set to “Low Privacy”!

3) That requests the user to override automatic cookie handling!

Wow, now you scare me!

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New ICQ 5 skin called “Nana”

Thanks to a friend I can write here about a new ICQ 5 skin called “Nana” which can be found in a new different ICQ 5 Hebrew version mentioned here. Just install it and steal it out of its “skins” sub-folder! 😎

Have fun! 🙂

Links to the previous released ICQ 5 skins can be found here

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