Reviewing nice IT certification service “uCertify” – part 1

Certification is very important in nowadays’ IT world especially if you want a more advanced and higher paid job.

You can go for the original certification books and software (e.g. from Microsoft) but I found the translations are often questionable and the training software often crashed or didn’t work at all on my computer. Plus they tend to be expensive or require a lot of hardware (multiple computers to install for practicing some parts).

uCertify is cheaper and different in this aspect

uCertify PrepKit Tour from uCertify Video on Vimeo.

The training works without a book and comes as a download. The software consists of 2 parts, the lessons that first explain you some things and then inquiry you about what you just learned and the training area.

The training area is pretty cool as well!

If you go through a training and then checks results, it not only shows you your false answer and the correct answer, but also explains you why it is in “fact” the way it is!

*this review will continue as soon as I had a chance to dig into it a bit deeper!*

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