How the changes of AIM / AOL Mail can crash your Opera Mail email client program!

As you may have heard or not, AIM is shutdown on December 15th 2017 after 20 years.

While the help article simply mentions “You will still be able to use your email address to send and receive email as usual.” and I can still login to my nafcomaim[at] account, I have noticed a change:

my aim email address’ inbox is also now a sub-folder of the inbox of my primary aol mail account nafcom[at]

And it appears to be a problem that the @ sign is in the folder name. As soon as Opera Mail tries to login and fetch the folders, it simply freezes with “Not responding” and crashes on click.

Thanks to the extended and professional troubleshooting of long time Opera community member “burnout426”, the following workaround was found (make sure your account is using IMAP, NOT POP3 or else all emails will be lost!):

1) Disconnect your computer from the internet
2) Run Opera Mail
3) Go to preferences of the AOL account causing the crash
4) Disable “check automatically for new emails” and “include when checking for new emails manually”.
5) Close Opera Mail
6) Reconnect your computer to the internet
7) Run Opera Mail
8) Add your AOL email address as new IMAP account
9) Wait till all emails from inbox and sent (and possible other folders) have been fetched.
10) Done! Enjoy continue using Opera Mail! 🙂

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