There are some news around Ipev, the makers of the SOLO, the S0-20, etc.
First bit of news: As since around July, a earplug headset is shipped with the phone (source: Ipevo’s Facebook Group Forum).
Quoting Pauline Peng:
“Sorry, we don’t have any headset.
But the S0-20 comes with a earbud which can make your hands free, do you want to give it a try?
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Pauline @ ipevo“
Second news:
“EyeStage streams pics from Facebook, Flickr & Picasa to iPhone/Kaleido R7. mobile pic frame w/auto pics! (Ipevo’s blog post)
from the their blog post:
“IPEVO Launches EyeStage™ iPhone app and Kaleido R7 Software Update
Company adds Facebook and Google image search functionality
08.20.2009 – To address growing consumer demand for Web-based content, IPEVO, Inc., a designer and manufacturer of Internet-based devices, today announced the availability of its free EyeStage™ application which turns any iPhone or iPod Touch into a customized digital photo frame.
Using IPEVO’s EyeStage app, users can stream and download images on their phone from Facebook, Flickr and Picasa for free. Additionally, users can create and tag favorite channels such as friends’ photo galleries or keyword search results. Plus, EyeStage app pairs seamlessly with the Kaleido R7 wireless digital frame so users can stream millions of images on their wireless frame, iPhone or iPod Touch – without the need for a computer. The free EyeStage application can be found in the iTunes app store.
“We designed the EyeStage application to further enhance the way consumers engage with their preferred online content,” said Royce Hong, CEO and chief designer of IPEVO. “With our EyeStage iPhone app, people can access a world of photos when they want, from the source of their choosing, for free.”
A free Kaleido R7 software update is also available, enabling users to access Facebook photos and conduct Google image searches, in addition to browsing photo-sharing Web sites and RSS feeds. The Kaleido R7 wireless digital frame is currently available at the newly lowered price of $149 at
Technorati Tags: S0-20, Skype
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