Creatures (C64) and Mayhem in Monsterland (C64) have been commerically re-released!!!!

Okay, the Re-Release of Mayhem in Monsterland is nothing new. They already did so in December last year but Creatures 1 also got re-released now, which is new.

Mayhem in Monsterland is together with Lemmings the latest commercially released C64 game in the commercial mainstream time of this machine (1982-1994).

Quoting Wikipedia:

“Mayhem in Monsterland featured both high-quality graphics and high speeds, a combination that had never before been seen on the C64. This was made possible by taking advantage of a bug in the computer’s graphics chip, the VIC-II, that allowed scrolling the entire screen up to the width of one screen — 320 pixels — in hardware. Normally the C64 can only scroll the screen 7 pixels in hardware. This technique had been used in demos before, but it is believed that Mayhem in Monsterland was the first commercial game to do this.

The game was chronicled during production in Commodore Format magazine, which later awarded it a controversial 100% approval score in its final review.”

My personal hint is, get the deluxe deluxe disks versions, the packing etc is awesome, it’s really worth it!

So order πŸ™‚

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Opera Mail: What to do on data loss?

Recently I stood infront of a problem: All my emails from September 2007 – recently where no longer found by Opera Mail.

The solution was given by an Opera Team member to me: mbs2mbx,

Quoting the product page:

“MBS2MBX – What is it good for?

MBS2MBX is a conversion tool that reads e-mails from Opera’s e-mail client M2 and saves them as mbox files. Mbox is a quite wide-spread file format and can be imported by different e-mail clients


It works indeed problem free and in Vista X64, too!

Here is a little help for your emails SENT folder:

“import them all to inbox and then re-export them and reimport them to sent folder”. It’s a bit a fiddling but afterwards you just have to remove the mails from the imported filters by right click “remove from view”! then you can remove the filters.

Only sideeffect of the fact that Opera handles Newsfeeds like emails is that they are imported in the email inbox too but you can easily pick them and delete them individually from your inbox.

If you switch from another tool or online email service that allows exporting the email address book then Dawn which is an address converter that convers them into Opera Mail address book’s ADR format! The latest version of Dawn 5.4 beta (build 5402) September 3 2006 supports Vista, too! (works on my 64bit installation).

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LCP research will continue soon

My LCP research will continue soon! Sorry for the big gap! I have recently ordered 2 units of the tape original (before I had only the disk original – the “boeder” re-release on disk and the original on Activisions’ 15 C64 Action Pack) one unit comes with teh full manual included, so I can better study the LCP guys! I will post about it with pics as soon as it arrived to me!

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The HardSID4U special offer & Selling my HardSID PCI!

Note: Because I got the USB version of the HardSID now, I am selling my PCI variant at Ebay here! Feel free check it out! =)


HardSID celebrates 10 Year Anniversary – so you save 100 EUR now if you decide to order till 18th of March 2009 or until the current stock is exhausted!

The card arrived safely as a registered letter to my place. (i.e. I picked it up from the local postal service agency).

The quality of the device us superb, looks like manufactured by a large company. Also the sound quality is great! So exactly like we know from the PCI variant =)

First time ever, it has Windows X64 (64bit!) support! (Thanks TΓ©li!)

There are a few things to pay attention about though if you decide to run it under Windows Vista X64 (XP X64 is no problem). Problem here is, that the 64bit drivers are not signed! Thanks to the help of Wilfred Bos who suggested the following:

Use prior to installing Driver Siganture Overrider! It works perfectly!

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Good Bye Belkin F1PP000GN-SK!

Just 1 1/2 years ago I changed the Netgear SPH101 for this one.

The echo issue never got completely resolved as you can read here: Skype’s public bug database – Skype on Devices.

Any email to Belkin support regarding this will result into a pre-defined text block refering to the UK firmware upgrade download page.

Also the 4-key on the phone got broken. I sent it back to Amazon asking for a refund. Now is there any more hope for Skype wi-fi phones on the market? YES! From Ipevo… We know Ipevo, they make some of the best Skype phones (The SOLO is really veeeery bug free!!!) so they probably made the new Ipevo S0-20 Skype Wi-Fi phone a kicker! If Ipevo is good in something, then it’s rock solid products! πŸ™‚

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Offical ICQ client for the iPhone released

Just recently, the ICQ Team released an official ICQ client for the iPhone/IPod Touch! It looks a lot like the original Windows release. However it’s buggy because it crashes often and some people cannot login. Also it doesn’t support being used horizontally! (Source: AppStore user reviews.
There is a screenshot of this client on the Java4iPhone blog.

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Socializing on Skype dead forever and ever! You will never SkypeMe again.

Socializing on Skype dead forever and ever! You will never SkypeMe again. This is what Skype told its users in the Skype Open Bug Database “Jira”. Written by Skype worker Raul Liive:

“Unfortunately there are currently no plans to bring SkypeMe back.”

It all started back in September with closing SkypeCasts, and now it continues by discontinueing the SkypeMe feature (rather than making it spammer proof!).

Remember this video?. A guy randomly calling people hoping that somebody in the search results would be only and pick up!

The Skype people picked this up from YouTube and posted the following reply on their blog:

Posted by Jaanus Kase:

“Here’s a video that a random Skyper made that illustrates how it may be difficult to find someone to talk to, and how it’s fun to finally find someone who responds

Here’s a tip. To find new friends more easily, you can tick the “Search for people who are in ‘Skype Me’ mode” when you search — you then find everyone who has actively indicated they are available for contact.”

Socializing on Skype – Rest in Peace.

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Spammers are bypassing ICQ spam protection put up by tools/alternative clients

As some of you might maybe know, there are ICQ tools/alternative clients that allows to protect yourself against spammers by putting up a security question until they can send you messages.

Now, ICQ spammers decided to start their spamming with the word “Earth” which is the default answer for such protections. (The question asked is “How is the planet on which we are living called?”)

The client then responds “You are now able to directly send messages”.

In the case of having no anti spam protection like those in action, you will probably ask “pardon?” and the spammer sends you the spamming message anyway

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