The Share Skype Blog writes about the fact that they have not introduced a Skype Advice & Services Directory for their service Skype Prime.
Interesting are also some services like English lessons by Skype however I doubt their teaching methods which is based on the Callan method which is a very questionable method of teaching English!
This is for various reasons:
1) Their homepage itself reads:
“Callan Teachers only need to be trained in the method and do not need an extensive knowledge of grammar, teaching techniques or a TEFL qualification as the method provides for these elements of learning in planned out textbooks.“
Which means: Keep the teacher stupid to make the students intelligent (sorry, stupid phrase =) ). Well, infact, the teacher needs also (almost) no education at all!
2) Quoting Wikipedia:
““It is the express will of Robin Callan that the method remain unchanged. This means that regardless of the merits of the methodology, the materials are very dated and do not take advantage of modern developments in descriptive grammar. This means that some of the utterances produced are quite unnatural; eg Callan presents sentences such as “I’ve a
” (in place of “I’ve got/I have”) and “I haven’t a “” (in place of “I don’t have/I haven’t got a “).”
Now I understand why many Polish and Brazilian people complain that their method of learning English is crappy (e.g. no grammar lessons):
“The Callan Method is especially popular in Poland and Brazil“
My sincere respect to all from those places I have met which spoke and wrote very fluent!
The language school in question is probably already closed anyway:
“The Postfix program
: host[] said: 501 5.1.3
Odbiorcanie istnieje / Reciver
not exists (in reply to RCPT TO command)“
If you want to see a photo of that method’s inventor, have a look here. There is also yet another video showing the method at an even faster speed and less learning potential! (The English school’s examples linked aboce at least had some noticeable support level). If I had English lessons at school like that I would have ran away in panic screaming! “Is this a car?” – “Yes, it’s a car”
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