Technorati changes ranking display (and worsens it!)

Technorati, once of the coolest things on this planet, with bad customer support has once again done some changes, most notably the links to your blog and the number of blogs are no longer mentioned as seperate numbers but are indicated as 1 number called “Authority”. See how it looks now:

And this is how it looked before:

This has worsen the thing, as I love detailed stats! 🙁

The Technorati Blog has no post about this change yet. As I said: A pity, but fortunately there is still that one from Purple Moggy! 🙂

Despite the fact of no official announcement yet, more info about this change at Technorati, can be found at the and the Pronet Advertising blogs

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Skype Half price for SMS this week!

Skype has another compaigne!: 50% off sending SMS from Skype


“Half price SMS

Until May 8, get 50% off SMS sent to Austria, Australia, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand and the US.”

Source was the Skype newsletter again! 🙂

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ICQ Team releases ICQ 6 Build #5354 & Browser Link Patch

The ICQ Team released today ICQ 6 Build #5354. A changelog has not been published, yet.

Somebody called “Murb” released a Browser Link Patch, so the URLs open in the OS’ default browser and no longer only in IE7.

Sad ICQ, that somebody else had to fix the bug despite the fact you knew about this bug since 1st Preview version.

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