Since it was Christmas and stuff, and my old digicam from 2002 (The Rollei d330 motion) starts to take totally red pictures (probably colour sensor getting damaged?), I decided to get a new one but only had a limited amount of money and wanted to get one that has more mega pixels than 3.3. The best I found and which had good reviews on Amazon and other sources for the price I aimed at, was the Maginon DC-8300 which is also known as Traveler DC-8300 but originally, it’s a Minox DC 8111.
It takes very good pictures I think. Examples can be found here (my fave) and here.
But not only this, also the Maginon support is very nice and fast! Those among us who check this blog regularly know that I constantly report about my experience from a customer’s point of view when it comes to service and support.
I had a view questions, one of them was asked and replied to the next day and the other one was on the phone. The waiting loop was short and the support agent was knowledgeable, and very friendly.
Also they made a firmware update for this digicam recently, so this camera from 2005 can be updated to be more up-to-date.
The flashing was quick and easy. Just extract an archive, but a .bin file on an emtpy SD card, press 3 buttons and power and then it first checks file size, then ereases the flash memory, then write it and then verify it.
A thing that only took half a minute and now my camera is fresher.
Also, despite of the fact stating everywhere that the camera comes with a 64 MB SD card, my came infact perfectly sealed with a 128 MB one. Probably they have noticed that 64 MB was too few or they were no longer available for them.
Thanks for the sweet camera, and all the stuff around being perfect, too! 🙂
It also comes with 3 graphic processing applications. Heh.
Technorati Tags: hardware, software, firmware, Minox, Maginon, Traveler, digicam, support
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