Skype runs now another campaign: Every wednesday free skypeout mins for Germans in this winter.
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Skype runs now another campaign: Every wednesday free skypeout mins for Germans in this winter.
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In today’s update of the ICQ 6 Blog, the creative team spoke about the design – one which was created by a known Israeli – a graphician named Dor Elliot:
[…]Dor, a young, talented professional and a friend, died of cancer last week (Nov. 25th) and wasn’t able to see his work completed. We would like to dedicate this version of ICQ 6 to him.
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Yesterday, they released ICQ 6 Preview, today, they just sent an “ICQ5 Notifcation” telling the people who signed up for the preview that it’s out.
A bit delayed, huh? 😉
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Skype Germany HQ is no more and. This I got told by Skype Germany today in an email addressed to me:
Skype recentralizes marketing in London
November 28, 2006 07:18 AMSkype moved marketing functions from countries back to London in a reorganization announced yesterday. About 40 of the 516 people working at Skype worldwide are affected, 26 of those shifting roles or locations and 14 who are leaving or who have yet to find another job at Skype or another eBay company.
Skype doubled its headcount this year, hiring 298 people since 1 January. Henry Gomez, Skype’s global marketing officer, told Skype Journal the recentralization of marketing will improve message clarity, help Skype marketing move more quickly, and engage more marketing personnel in product decisions.
The 40 people affected by the reorganization were from across the company, touching all regions and departments. Skype’s job site lists 17 vacancies: 8 in Tallinn, Estonia (coolest job ad word of the month: “anechoic”); 7 in London, 1 in the United States; and two elsewhere in Europe.
In separate moves, Saul Klein, former marketing executive, left Skype but continues to consult on eCommerce and advanced projects and can still be seen in the Skype London corridors. James Bilefield, former business development director and general manager for Europe, also left the company.
This is somehow such a pity! 🙁
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Now, I am sitting on the dry, because the whole ICQ community seems to be down. Client threw me out, icq homepage wouldn’t let me login and now the ICQ homepage doesn’t load up anymore at all.
Well, the ICQ 6 Preview is officially out now and seems like the servers could handle the load of ICQ fans anymore.
I received myself 1 dozen of messages and emails asking me whether I could invite them to test ICQ 6 Preview.
As you can see on the screenshot: Unfortunately, at the moment preview testers can only invite 1 icq user for joining the preview test. And I already used that up for a friend.
The ICQ Team also released a Checklist/Featurelist telling us which features are in, which are missing and which will come soon 🙂
As you can see my prediction/assumption about a message history improvement seems to be correct. (See also hint by ICQ Bog entry
Apart from the ICQ installation screen, I cannot supply really more sceenshots since everything appears to be down. Since the real preview looks like the leaked one (apart from the fact that they decided to use the ICQ 5.0 emoticons again), check the screenshots on the location mentioned here
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Incredibly – that is it – because my handle story made it Best Line of The Day! 🙂
Yep, my ideas are special sometimes! =)
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This yeear’s Christmas Special from ICQ is very similar to the one from 2005, except the search results from the link are only appearing if you click on “search” after the ICQ Search page opened. (tested in Opera 9.10), otherwise you only get Google Ads. And a new ecard can be found too, in which some of the stars from the tZers take part. It’s actually very sweet and entertaining to be sure to check it out! 🙂
I found it accidently by checking out ICQMail.
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There can be found a leaked version of that what is supposed to come as ICQ 6 Preview soon.
The ICQ preview leaked onto the internet, because for a short period of time, some ICQ Team member obviously accidently uploaded it to the pub directory of ICQ’s FTP server and somebody guessed the file name. Interesting is the way how the ICQ Team reacts. Instead of saying to wait till it’s officially out, they seems to have noticed that it leaked and changed the main site, inviting non-preview testers to read the reactions from the testers.
L2 years ago it (i.e. ICQ 5 Alpha) leaked also and the ICQ Team wasn’t happy.
Also, they changed the post display order from oldest first to newest first of the testers board.
All this indicates that the leaked version might be very similar or even the same that is supposed to get released officially soon. Interestingly, it still says to stay tuned for the release.
But notice that leaked previews bear with a risk since the people who downloaded and re-uploaded it could have added dangerous codes.
Screenshots of the leaked preview can be seen here.
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