Virus information instead of slow picture slideshow

I have decided – due to very slow loading – to remove the Flickr Badge and add the English Avira Alerts Panel, because it:

1) Loads fast
2) Is useful to my blog’s readership
3) it fits to the theme of my blog

I hope you like this little new change! 🙂

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Skype conference call limitation dropped!

Skype has been under harsh critic for limitating the Skype conference calls to 5 for AMD users in contrast to 10 for Intel users.

Now, with Skype 2.6 Beta this limitation is no more!
(Since according to Wikipedia).

However, the conference holder should own a PC with 2 Ghz CPU or faster. Also notice the other system requirements.

So it’s no longer rquired to use a patch! 🙂

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SkypeOut Call quality feedback form

Since at least half a year, there is random SkypeOut call quality feedback form and today it was my turn to be asked about the call quality of my SkypeOut call. 🙂

Seems like they are putting more efforts into improving call quality now.

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Weird like a MOO!

Today, I found my free MOO Skype cards im the post. They are really cool. Moo as a company is really special, their way to write postal addresses is, too! 😉

In my case, they have accidently used my email address as my name! Lucky me that my email address equals firstname-lastname, otherwise the Postal Service would have returned it to sender!


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Windows Media Player 11

Windows Media Player 11 has been released very recently and it was not that easy to get for Windows XP Professional X64 as exspected, since it said on the download page that there is no version for this one. However when I watched the page under Windows XP Professional 32bit, I got the selection to download it for another OS; among them one for X64. 🙂

Microsoft doesn’t like its Windows XP X64 edition. Another fact which proves that is, that it has to be bought with a new computer.

What a weird world! Anyway, it is available for X64, works under X64 and looks as black as under 32bit Windows XP! 🙂

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