Dualphone news!

I spoke to the Product Manager of RTX by phone today, regarding some remaining issues in the DualPhone.:

1) Thanks to my letter they started to investigate about the CallerID problem and found out that there are 2 different Caller ID systems in New Zealand and they only were aware of 1 of them. They found a partner that can give them details about the competitor Caller ID system and it will be fixed.

2) The echo problem with the phone in Germany will also be tracked down and fixed.

3) The phone will receive an update to ensure full Windows Vista compatibility.

They weren’t aware of either problem, yet. When the firmware/suite update will be released they cannot tell but the DualPhone will be kept supported and updated as long as rquired.

I decided to post it here, too, incase one or another is interested in it! 🙂

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Solution found for bypassing Skype block in United Arabic Emirates!

Finally: Solution found for bypassing Skype block in United Arabic Emirates! There is a detailed manual with screenshots on this blog, here. Its author has written a few additional comments about it in the Skype Forum, here.

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Skype soon to be blocked in Marocco?

Is Skype soon to be blocked in Marocco?

The freedom, the fact that every communication inside Skype (IM, voice, video, SMS, file transfer, landline/mobile calls) is encrypted, the fact that it’s cheap and good quality makes Skype more and more hated in non-freedom countries and others.

Also Brazil, China and the United Arabic Emirates got issues with Skype blocking.

More about the Marocco case can be read atMaroc IT.

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No commenting for me at the moment

At the moment I cannot comment with my Blogger account to Blogger blogs, because the the login system has been changed and I cannot post anymore since I switched my account to Google accounts and Blogger in Beta and now I receive the above error message. Well, so I have to enter my details in the comment boxes manually. I hope the new blogger software will leave beta status very soon! 🙂

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Finally!: A reply from Orkut!

Many letters and emails and a blog post later: My reward: A reply from the Orkut Team:

“Hi Joerg,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry to hear about the difficulty you’re experiencing editing friend invitations, and we’ll put it on our list of things to fix.

We appreciate your feedback and patience as we try to iron out these problems.

Stay beautiful,

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