Today, the ICQ Team released a New ICQ 5.1! And with many new features!
So, let’s first quote the Release Notes:
“New in this version:
tZers – send short Flash animations to your Contact List friends.
Two new Boyz and Girlz skins available for download.
Quick access to send SMS messages to ICQ and non-ICQ Contacts (now called SMS Contacts).
New option to select the login status.
Notifications when contacts are online.
New emoticons (old emoticons still available).
Devil and nickname displayed on the top of the Contact List.
Improved Voice Chat sound quality using the latest VOIP technology (GIPS)
Improved sign-up process.
Improved User interface – text menus.
Add and Find Contacts button moved to the Contacts menu.
Group Mode and Show Online Only buttons moved to the Contacts menu.
Sort Contacts option moved to the Contacts menu.
Find Contacts (in the Contact List) option moved to the Contacts menu.
Adding an SMS Contact is now available from the Add and Find Contacts dialog.
Xtraz Center shortcut button moved to the bottom of Contact List’s Xtraz Panel.”

The first thing you notice when starting up the new ICQ 5.1 is, that you now can select your status right before logging in to ICQ! 🙂
The second thing you will see is, that your ICQ skins got resetted, and you will receive a warning telling you this.

But the ICQ Team released new skins for boys and girls skins available for download.
Also new is the new Contact List outfit which looks more formal and straight
and you got the same emoticons now as in ComPad as you can see.

Luckily, it’s possible to switch to the old ones!

(but be careful! the German version of ICQ5.1 has a bug which causes that you sometimes do not get your old emoticons folder as a copy after installation!

Also new are so called “tZers” that are animations with sounds and you can select from a few, and I find them very enjoyable! =)
And the last major change is the ICQ Voice chat being totally improved and now working even with routers and so on! (in past it did not and sounded horrible and made problems with Windows audio mixer! 🙁 )!

I am very happy with the improvements and surprised about the new features and look forward to ICQ 6! 🙂
Technorati Tags: ICQ, ICQ5.1
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