Me on Kinja

I just found another cool thing, Kinja, which is a kind of directory with very nice info regarding blogs as you can see above, it displays blogs you link an all kind of info all related to your blog! Very nicely done! I like it! 🙂

So, there is always a way to stand out of the growd! 🙂

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I have got blog clouds!

Finally, the //beconfused blog has got tags for its posts and also a Tag Cloud. I also wanted one and I just added two of them.
Both of them can be accessed at the top of each page of my blog.

The first cloud is combined with a search engine. It has the following features:

-Each search inquery you enter will result in giving you similar posts from the following sources:

* The //beconfused Blog
* Nafcom’s Crap Blog! (This blog)
* Blog directories
* Websearch results

Where the results from the beconfused blog and my blog are enjoying major priority
The search results also are filtered (2 search results are always in the wild)

Maybe this will cause an increase of visits to the beconfused blog (no worries, it’s not _directly_ searching on his servers =), I was refering to traffic as in “more readers”), but Mr Dew deserves it, because it’s damn good blog! – And we post about similar stuff anyway!

-Once a day, I receive an email with the search criteries you have used, then I can decide which I will let appear on the cloud.

I will keep the blogger search and the technorati search active and working, since I think it’s up to you – the readers – which search you want to use. Also notice that each of them produce different search result.
So, if you cannot find what you are searching for, try one of the others.

I hope that now, that I have Blog Categories, Trackbacks, Backlinks and now finally Tag Clouds added, that it will add a bit more usablity to my blog, since it grows fast and it became – even for me – harder to find old blog entries I seeked!

So; EnJOY! =)

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My blog = spam blog?

My blog has been obviously flagged as spam (see: what is a spam blog?) and as you can see on above screenshots, now I have to do Word Verification before my post will get published!

I have requested a human review of my blog and verification that it is not a spam blog. I hope this proccess will happen quickly.

I find it funny how it’s even possible to abuse a spam prevention system like that =)

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New ICQ 5.1 Build #2575 (EN) #2405 (DE)

There is a new ICQ 5.1 Build #2575 (EN) #2405 (DE) which seems to be a pure bugfix release of the recently released 5.1 Build #2573 (EN) #2403 (DE).

The English version can be downloaded here and the German version here

Taken German info site The download links are refering to servers.

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Internet Explorer 7 Add-Ons

A lot of sources report about about Internet Explorer 7
But what nobody seem to have mentioned is, that MSIE7 Beta 2 allows you to start it without any add-ons (via the link in “System Tools” program group) and that it’s actually possible to even delete them!
(especially the highly hightly controversially discused ActiveX).

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Logitech & Webcams

While, I was installing my webcam, I was wondering about several things.

First, you will notice that they only promote their webcams only forAIM, Yahoo, AIM and Skype. “What about ICQ?”, you may ask.
Well, ICQ Video. had issues with routers (so it didn’t work for me), but in the new ICQ 5.1 it works for me:

Ta-daa! =)
And even very good, I think! 🙂

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My Blog got added to Google Sitemaps!

Thanks to a new verification method, I have my blog now also added to Google Sitemaps! 🙂

I hope it will improve the crawling of my blog in Google! (I mean search results)! 🙂

So, here we are again with another “feature” added to my blog! =) (Well, more useful for me than for – the readers, though!

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