Customer support emails of international communication companies

Since I often post in my blog about the email replies of international communication companies, I have decided to start compiling a table which rates the customer support quality of those.

The table can be found here!

Enjoy! 🙂

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You can use phone in full!

As many of you probably know, I am a scary customer…If something doesn’t the work the way it should, I will send an email complaining and ask for a statement and fixing of the issue.

Those of you who also call to abroad now and then sure know that sometimes, the connection is not very good and it’s required to dial again or that suddenly the phone call is terminated.

However, when I was calling to Russia to a mobile phone, the connection got terminated every 6 minutes!!! I thought this was an inacceptable situation and so I asked the mobile phone provider MegaFon Moscow for information.
I also told them that, according to some Russian friends, it’s known that the network of MegaFon Moscow is weak and crap.

They replied to my email with a big response, which is the most detailed and biggest responce I have ever gotten from a customer service abroad.

They promised me, that they are currently expanding their mobile phone network and that I soon (quote) can use phone in full!

Here is their reply, a 100% copy and paste from my email inbox!:

“Dear Mr Joerg Droege!

Inform You that according to technical service, now in Moscow and the Moscow area, spend large-scale works on improvement of quality of signal reception and throughput. Breakages of communication, deterioration of a covering are temporarily possible, network can be locally strongly overloaded. Works are caused by the big inflow of subscribers.

We make the sincere apologies for the delivered inconveniences. In the near future, you can use phone in full. Planned time of works to end : December 2005 – January 2006 y.

Under the plan for development of the company, by the end of 2005 the general number of base stations of “Megafon-Moscow” exceeds 1500 units. In 2006 hundreds more base stations will be established. The information on plans for development of a network and installation of new base stations can be received here: http: //

Thank you for your letter,
we hope for your understanding
and subsequent cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Call Customer Service at +7095 502 5500,
from Megafon Moscow numbers 500


Let’s hope that they will keep their promise! 🙂 Wish me luck!

Some people said, it’s probably a draft email, but I doubt that. Why would a draft email contain spelling and grammar errors?!

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New ICQ 5 Game: Zoopaloola!

Zoopaloola!!! That’s the new Xtra from ICQ 5 and that’s a variant of pool, except that it makes more fun and you shoot the opponent’s animal over the cliff! 🙂

Funny sounds, a lot of great gameplay, and hammering music! Again a major smash hit in flash multiplayer gaming! (Hint: It’s also possible to play it alone against random people when started from the Xtra Center!

For more info about this game, click here (only works in MSIE!).

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From the forum: A SECOND Unholy Alliance is Born!

Posted by Derision in the forum:

Just in time for the holidays, AOL and Google announce THIS
What interests us in this is the following goal of their new unholy alliance:

Enabling Google Talk and AIM instant messaging users to communicate with each other, provided certain conditions are met

Hrrrm. Thoughts, anyone? And what does this mean for ICQ, which has been strangely quiet lately?

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GMail scans for viruses!

Since a while now, GMail scans for viruses!

Let me qoute them a bit:

How does anti-virus scanning work?
Each time you send and receive attachments, Gmail automatically scans them for viruses.

If a virus is found in an attachment you’ve received, our system will attempt to remove it, or clean the file, so you can still access the information it contains. If the virus can’t be removed from the file, you won’t be able to download it.

If a virus is found in an attachment you’re trying to send, you won’t be able to send the message until you remove the attachment.

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Rumor: Google to buy Opera, according to Yahoo Europe president

Posted by Shmanky in the forum

Rumor: Google to buy Opera, according to Yahoo Europe president
Pierre Chappaz, the former president of Yahoo Europe, claims to have a source, whom he says is generally very well informed, who told him that Google is planning on buying the Opera web browser.
I must say that I find this very hard to believe; after all, Google recently hired some Mozilla/Firefox people, in addition to being an active supporter of the open source browser.
If this in fact were true, it wouldn’t be the first time that Opera has been approached by a major company for a buyout. Back in 1996 Sun Microsystems made an offer to buy Opera for about £9 million ($16.8 million US). A while back an Opera spokeswoman told me that they have been approached by major companies in the past but Opera’s CEO, Jon von Tetzchner, has always declined the offers, no matter the dollar size.
An Opera official outright denied this claim, after I asked about it, saying “Rumors come and go. Google is not buying Opera.”
Perhaps there is a bit of truth to this, maybe Google is collaborating with Opera on some project that we don’t know about yet. Who knows?

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