Forum’s down at the moment :(

I am sorry to say that, but my forum is down at the moment! 🙁

I have received today the following email:

“Dear Members,

We had updated all the forums to the latest stable version.
This update fix several found bugs and security holes for older phpbb.

We hope the regular & prompt update will provide a good & exploit free board environment for you and your members.

Enjoy, and Happy Halloween!

Blogforum Admin”

And somehow it smashed it! 🙁 :

“phpBB : Critical Error

Error doing DB query userdata row fetch


SQL Error : 1146 Table ‘blogforu_phpbb.nfm_sessions_keys’ doesn’t exist

SELECT u.* FROM nfm_users u, nfm_sessions_keys k WHERE u.user_id = 2 AND u.user_active = 1 AND k.user_id = u.user_id AND k.key_id = ‘e5b2a00921fb481152e7cb8c8448aa38’

Line : 89
File : sessions.php”

I have sent an email to them to let them know and I hope they will fix it very soon!

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