Yup, I have bought Windows XP 64bit, yes I really bought it! And it’s interesting, it’s really quite faster, even while browsing using Internet Explorer (64bit version)!
I have found here a statement about Windows XP 64bit I fully agree with:
Omnipotent wrote:
“I use Windows XP 64bit. I find it to be awesome. It is pretty rare you will find something that won’t work with it in my experience. I couldn’t get a driver for my brother printer, but I tried a bunch of different ones and got a default one that worked fine with it.
The graphics drivers and etc are all sweet for it now. I have a 6800GT.
I don’t notice any improvement in games at all, but windows runs a hell of a lot faster IMO. (I have run XP 32bit and 64bit on the same PC as a comparison, FPS was exactly the same in games but windows certainly ran a **** load faster.)
I haven’t had any issues at all really. There are a couple programs that won’t run on it that I have found, the only thing that bothered me was Alcohol 120% which I used to mount CD images, but there is a freeware one that works on XP64bit and it is sweet as.
I guess you will run into a couple problems but all of them you can sort out. Just make sure your motherboard has XP64bit drivers for it and if so you should be sweet.”
Luckily, my motherboard has 64bit drivers! 🙂
There is also a great list of 64bit drivers and 64bit prgs which can be found here. I am now using the avast virusscanner (as mentioned there).
Also Logitech released a 64bit version of the SetPoint drivers.
Also ATI released 64bit drivers.
Epson only refers to the 64bit drivers shipped with Windows XP 64bit.
Unfortunately no Leadtek or Plustek 64bit drivers as of yet, but Leadtek wrote the following to me into an email:
On this moment are we waiting for the driver of the manufactor of the chip
There will be a driver but I cannot tell you when
Met vriendelijke groet,
Best regards,
Leadtek Support”
I will let you know once I have news about it!
The Windows XP 64bit covers two CDs, one is the English versions (weird to install if you are not used to English Windows, hehe!) and one is the German/Japanese language pack on CD.
I have installed it, created a new user account with administrator permissions and everything is translated, except the Windows prgs descriptions in Sodftware ->Add/Remove Windows applications! 🙂
And Windows Update is great, just 12 updates to download and install, sweet! 🙂
Technorati Tags: drivers, Windows XP 64bir
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