
I have added a new feature as I have seen it at Hailey’s post. It’s 43Places and 43Things

let me quote her a bit about what it is:

“Four cool things about 43Places:

-Like 43Things, it’s based on folksonomy which ensures its powerful simplicity;

-It combines Flickr to provide a visual expression for each place;

-Its creator’s blog runs on textpattern;

Last but not the least. It uses a catchy phrase “where do you want to go?”, similar to Microsoft’s “Where do you want to go today?”. Why do I like it so much? Just see who came up with the slogan.

My comment: it’s a wonderful thing, if only the blogger support would work!
Yep, it doesn’t work!
doesn’t matter if I try to blog an entry I have made in 43places or try to send out a testpost, it simply won’t blog it eventhough it tells me “you have successfully blogged your entry!” 🙁

I have written an email to them, I hope they are fast and replying!

Furthermore I have added “Places I have been” and “Things I am doing” plus my personal map to my sidepanel. Unfortunately I click on Strasbourg link and the following error message appears!:

“Oops… that didn’t work.

Hit the back button and try again.

If that doesn’t work, email us (robotcoop at gmail dot com) with your username and an explanation of what you were trying to do, and we’ll
get to fixing it right away. Thanks! Any status updates on the site will be reported on the Robot Co-op Blog.”

This thing is brand new and still has flaws and problems which I hope they will fix soon! 🙂

But it’s really a cool thing, I swear! 🙂

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