
Originally uploaded by 1of@kind.

This remembers me of something: Does it not also you bother, if some your contacts always are in invisible mode, and only if they want speak to you, they suddenly pop up?
I must admit, in past, I did that for a year myself.
My friends, I have put on “Visible List” .
But since a very long time, I don’t do this anylonger!
Even, more horrible, many began to use the new “ICQ2Go!” flash variant (also called “flICQ“).
Because this one has an Invisible bug which really very much annoys me!
What’s your opinion?

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card and PCI slot

card and PCI slot
Originally uploaded by nafcom.

Well, If I was knowing that this card uses 2 PCI slots because the sound connector is ugly placed, I wouldn’t have bought it! But it refuses to work in my PC anyway, so I had to return it!

Bad luck for me since this was meant to be a buy-something-nice-for-yourself thing for my Birthday.
Well, means I have to stick with my old, now 1 year old, card, which works without crashing my PC or making my SB 16 PCI stopping to work, and no blue screen while installing its drivers 😛

I was pretty amazed when a driver installation caused a blue screen! WOW!

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Now It Works!

Ok, many people may wonder why I didn’t contribute to my blog regularly, simple: I was busy with installing Windows a second time (read all details about it here).

Now, after I did a second installation, it suddenly works again!!!

Also I have got my router and this works too! 3 computers sharing one internet connection! The WLAN router (but I use cables!) was a present from my ISP because I took a 2048/512 internet connection.

Also some nice ICQ contact made a new banner for me, as you can see on the top, thank you Daniel! 😀

That’s it for today!

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Reinstall of Windows and holy crap!

Hello all,
well, I had to reinstall Windows because I have got my cable internet now, and windows denied to fetch the ip from my isp, so I did a reinstall, spent 3 daays with it (4 now) and I have all sorts of odd errors.

Incase anybody is interested to read them and/or got an idea, all in English here:

problem with Nero, M2 from Opera, Everest Home, AntiVir Personal.
The M2 forum is very helpful, step by step, it seems all my problems get solved 🙂

I really don’t want to reinstall Windows a 3rd time, so I hope a solution to all my problems can be found!

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On The Traces Of ICQ or “How ICQ Reacts”.

ICQ and my blog
Originally uploaded by nafcom.

There has been in discussion for many times, how intensively the ICQ Team checks what goes up in their ICQ Community, what other users write, etc.
In the ICQ Focus Group, Created on Mar 29 2004, to “invite you to share your thoughts and opinions about ICQ.” (i.e. us, the ICQ users), there even has been a thread where an ICQ User asked “Does ICQ read this board?“.

Interestingly, somebody nicked YealG replied saying that they do.

So, that is interesting now, because of some interesting facts (changes) in the ICQ Focus Group:

1) Remove of Udo’s real name.
2) Adding of Ori and YealG as Operators.
3) Removing the possibility to view other posts from one person in the ICQ Focus Group.

I don’t know why 1) and 3) was done, but I guess to protect the identity of ICQ workers, maybe?
Hmm, As you also can read in “Does ICQ read these board” thread linked above, Ori also checks other groups, so he seems to be the person to be responsible for the ICQ groups.

Udo is the guy who replies to other user’s posts (as you can see the full list here).

So who is YealG (i.e. Yeal Givon)?

If you intensively browse the ICQ Community, you find that she replied to several posts in the ICQ Boards and that she is member of a Star Wars ICQ Group.

If you Google for Yeal Givon you find numerous websites like this, this here, where one can read “… According to Yael Givon, ICQ’s director of marketing …”>.
Aha! So, now we know who she is, and she seems to be one of the few ICQ Team members who has not an 5 digit number, but a larger one, including web aware switched on.
(at least last time I checked).
So, the ICQ director of marketing herself (and since often quoted in the press, seemly somekind of spokewomen, too) takes part in the ICQ boards and ICQ groups.

I even found in my Netstad overviews, that I had a visitor from “ICQ, Israel” 😀

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